All three cats (from left: JC, Ted, Conner)




Conner in the window

Ted looking annoyed

JC doing what he loves best

Ok, with that out of the way here's a quick summary of the goings on of the last week or so:
I am slowly getting out from under the never-ending cold cloud. Right now it's mainly a nose thing. So I still snore horribly, but what can you do?
We went to see "The Merchant of Venice" a week ago Thursday as our first show of the season of our Season Ticket package at the PAC. They were no where near capacity and we actually got moved from the third floor box seats to the second floor box seats on the other side of the theater. I'm not sure if the seats were better or worse. But it was a good production and it's nice to have some culture every once in a while. The next show I think we have tickets for is a Scottish Guard something or other. Either that or "Swan Lake". I was surprised when Adam said he wanted to see a ballet, but I guess once I took him to an opera it was only the next logical step.
The weather has been typically fall, if a little on the warm side still. We try to avoid putting the heat on by having fires going in the fireplace most nights and keeping the thermostat low. So far so good. I did what I hope to be the last raking of the season this weekend. Adam just happened to be incapacitated (more on that in a minute) so it was all up to me this time. It was just the front and side since the trees in the back were pretty much done last time raked. His dad came over yesterday with a ladder and cleaned out the gutters.
So that thing about Adam... he had his carpal tunnel surgery this past Tuesday. Took 4 hours in the hospital for a 15 minute surgery but things seem to have gone well. He's got a cast on and has a follow up to get his stitches out this coming Friday.

He's been showering with a garbage bag on his hand and I've had to help him out some with that whole thing. And he sleeps with pillows under his arm.
Work has been busy, hand bells played for the first time last weekend, IMA is coming up again. Life goes on. Even when I don't post here for more than a week...
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