When we opened the doors we had the foresight to get a top for Howie’s cage. Good thing, since JC took an immediate shining to him. It may just be that his cage is the most convenient to stalk since he can sit on the windowsill to do it. Or it may be that Howie baits him by burying himself and then popping up unexpectedly all over his cage. In any case, JC bats at the glass, sits on top of the cage peering down, and generally has a grand time trying to catch Howie.

He’s a little more wary of the guinea pigs. Their cages are larger, lower to the ground, and he can stick his paws into them. Mo and Einstein have always been skittish but they seem to like the attention they get from the cat when they squeal. I was feeding them a few days ago and they were in the middle of their guinea pig chorus when JC wandering into the room. It took him a minute to figure out where the racket was coming from. Then he put his front paws up onto Mo’s cage to take a look. Mo had his back to him, eating. JC tentatively pawed at Mo and when Mo turned around JC jumped back. This was before we gave Mo his haircut so I can imagine he might have been scary-looking. Einstein stays in his house more than Mo so JC sits on top of his cage to wait for an appearance.
So far the interaction between JC and the other two hamsters has been limited. I think this is mostly due to the fact that he can’t get to their cages very easily. This morning he was perched on the bookshelf on top of their food container, pawing at Gus who was nonchalantly eating, ignoring the threat that loomed outside his cage. JC got overzealous, leaned over too far, and fell forward. He stuck his paws out in an attempt to catch himself and flipped the cover off Gus’ cage in the process. This is when I decided to shut the door when we’re not home. It just makes me too nervous to think of what may happen if he would do that when I’m not around to hear the crash and put things back in order.
Ted and Conner have made treks into the new room but haven’t made attempts toward the rodents yet (that I’ve seen, anyway.) Ted likes hanging out on top of Einstein’s cage while Conner typically paces back and forth between the two guinea pigs. They scatter immediately when I come into the room. I think they aren’t used to being allowed in there yet. It has been a “no kitty zone” since they arrived so it’s something new.
In other news, we had to get a different tree skirt since the one we had had snowmen on it that were pieces of felt glued on and the cats decided to rip their faces off. Literally. So we replaced it with something flat. This doesn't stop them from frolicking in it and messing it up on a daily basis. They also pick off a couple ornaments each day and throw them around the living room. Never a dull moment...
(this is the old tree skirt)

(this is the new one)

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