Let's see. It's been awhile. What has been happening "In the Life of Martha"? Well, mainly I guess I should mention that work decided to send me down to Lancaster for 3-4 days each week for the next 6 weeks. Lancaster is appx 3 hours southwest of Oshkosh so it's a long drive. It's a tiny hick town with not much to do. I get to stay at a hotel (with cable tv!) for a few nights each week. So far it doesn't suck terribly. It's actually kind of nice. It's a much more relaxed environment than corporate is. It's different and I'm doing things I haven't done before so it's also educational and ups my overall value to the company. Not that I had any doubts about my value...I think I'm a pretty good catch. :) In your face Schneider National!
Kmart has been scheduling me for about one day a week, four or five hours. This is fine with me. Gives me more time to spend at home (when I'm here that is.) The next IMA meeting is the week after next so we'll see how that goes. I'm not anticipating anything too horrible since I've been going to meetings for a few years now. I don't expect anything will change just because I'm now on the board. I have a doctor's appointment this coming Thursday (yay insurance!) so hopefully they can figure out why my body is whacked. It's obnoxious, but I won't go into too much detail. Let's just say I think I need some help with hormonal balance. Meh. I just love going to a place where they strip you naked and prod you with various cold instruments. Now that's my idea of a good time. (not)
Whoa, talk about TMI.
Anywho, nothing else is really going on. We were messing around with the camera last night so there are some new pics on the photobucket site. Here's a preview:

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