So much for being a more consistent blogger.
Anyway. Many things to discuss.
Firstly: The PAC announced their 2012-2013 Broadway Across America line-up. They are:
Blue Man Group
Catch Me If You Can
The Addams Family
War Horse
with two special add-on shows - Mamma Mia! and The Lion King
We renewed our seats the same day they announced the shows and got tickets for the two add-ons as well. Woo for early bird discounts!
Granted, none of these are on my "see before I die" list, but I believe I'll enjoy most of them. Keep in mind that season ticket holders get early purchasing rights on all shows so if you'll be in the area and are interested in any of these let us know! Our tickets are always for the Wednesday night show.
In the same vein, the second I caught wind that Kristin Chenoweth was going to do a concert tour I was on the web, looking for her closest stop. Minneapolis would have been easier from a logistics/parking/hotel standpoint, but from a financial standpoint, Chicago was actually a lot cheaper, especially since we booked a hotel outside of the downtown area. So, woo again:

tickets have already arrived!
This has been some crazy weather lately, but perhaps it means we'll actually be able to attend the first two games of our Timber Rattler season ticket package. Last year we missed our first two because of really awful weather (wind, thunder, HAIL). This year we've got one in mid-April as part of our package and we got comped tickets to the season opener on April 5th. We shall see what Mother Nature has in store.
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