Let's just pretend I did a recap last week. I meant to, but time just got away from me. I blame it on trick or treating and the fact that the last day of the month fell on a Sunday. Boo (on both accounts.)
Anyway. Onward.
Monday:We didn't have many kids trick or treat at our house this year - 39. I wonder where they all went? I brought about half of our leftover Halloween candy to work with me to get it out of the house. It goes pretty quickly at work between chocolate-loving accounting folk and the maintenance guys who pop in from time to time. They seem to come around a lot more if they know there's food. Day one went pretty well. The system wasn't as slow as I expected since we had another group of plants go live on 10/31. Hope their experience has been better than ours! Bells was a pretty low-key practice.
Tuesday: I love my new day two. I don't have to come in early, I don't really have a lot of stress over deadlines. It's great. I went and voted after work - it was pretty busy, which was great. It was also great that I didn't have to stand in line to register. (Ha ha suckas!) I was in and out in about two minutes.
Wednesday: Day three is where it starts to get messy. I also had an annual enrollment meeting to attend since the one next week (meant for people who would be busy at month-end) is when I'm on vacation. Skipped lunch, stayed late. Didn't really matter since Adam was golfing.
Thursday: Day four, messiest of them all. Apparently the third month close on SAP is the worst. Guess which month this was! Processing times for WIP and variance calculations were ridiculous and settlements timed out on me and I had to have Tina run them in the background (so it doesn't allow timeouts) for me. *sigh* On the bright side, I got a lot of other things done while I was waiting for things to process. On the not bright side, I was at work late again. But luckily Adam was out and about so it didn't really matter again.
Friday: Finally finished up my month-end stuff. Kind of. Some "misunderstandings" in some new files led to doing the same report three times. Awesome. It was a long day. I left much later than I had hoped, feeling frustrated and needing a drink. Come to think of it, I think I worked later than I wanted to every day this week. And through lunch two days. Yay for month-end.
Adam got home after an adventure (including a fender-bender incident) in Green Bay and we went down to Kodiak Jack's for dinner (see: desire for booze and bad day in previous paragraph.)
Saturday: Shopping - and some crazy prices on leftover Halloween candy at Target. People are work are going to LOVE me! Mini nap. Church and then dinner with Adam's family.
Sunday: Time change left us up for the day at 6am. Weekly cleaning, including cleaning out litterboxes in preparation for a few days away from home. Getting around to thinking about our Christmas party menu.
This next week should be better. We both work Monday and Tuesday and then Wednesday morning we leave for Charleston. This has been Adam's trip to plan so I've been staying out of the details. What I do know is that we'll be in Charleston Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday morning. We then head up to Charlotte for the rest of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday we head back to Charleston and back home. The weather looks good so far and hopefully things go smoothly. We're signed up for a 5k race on Saturday morning so we'll see how that goes. My only experience with races has been counting the donation money and I'm woefully behind on getting my butt back on the treadmill so it could be brutal.