Thursday, July 28, 2005


Ok, I admit it was partly my choice to work at a place directly across the highway from the airport. But seriously, I'm so sick of the airplanes. Yes, that's right's EAA time (i.e. good luck getting anywhere in Oshkosh time.) *sigh* In past years I've been able to avoid all the hullabaloo by simply avoiding the south part of town. Unfortunately I don't have that option this year. *smack on head* What was I thinking? It wasn't so bad (airplane-wise) until yesterday. Both yesterday and today it seems like there's a constant stream of planes flying over my office. No less than 10 passed over my head as I walked from my car into the building this morning. Since we're so close to the airport, the planes are still relatively low to the ground and therefore deafeningly loud. Continuously. All day. AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! Add to that the fact that they blocked off 44 so everyone has to use the street right in front of Curwood to get anywhere. This means that it takes forever and a year to get out of the parking lot and then you're stuck at the stoplight (which the police have been manually operating since Sunday) for a good ten minutes. I hate EAA. All the stupid tourists who don't know the left lane is a turn only and then try and sneak back in the right lane halfway through the intersection. I don't THINK so! There's a fucking sign a good ways back telling the idiots about the turn only lane. I'm not going to let them in just because they're morons. I almost got smacked into by one of them today. Gave him the finger. In front of his small boy child. Heh. That felt good. Then at the next stoplight the RIGHT lane is a turn only and once again people can't be bothered to follow the rules of the road...

It's over on Sunday... Just have to make it to Sunday...

Got a call yesterday that informed me (well, us) that our application for the apartment out in Neenah was accepted and one opened up that fits our specifications. Woo. Time to start shackin' up! LoL. We of course don't move until October, but it's still something to look forward to. Adam slept here on Tuesday night (don't really know why. It was his idea and I wasn't going to complain.) and it was nice. It's different on weekends than on weekdays. It will definately be an adjustment to live full-time with someone again. Although this time it's actually someone I like so maybe that will help. (Just kidding Catherine!) I have concerns of course, but I'm not going to let them bother me. As long as Adam knows that sometimes I need to be left alone, he should survive. Hee hee.

Oh yeah, got an e-mail from someone today (definately not a friend... some psycho ex of a friend of mine who took an "interest" in me a few years back, stalkingishly e-mailing me and begging me to hang out with him because he really liked me and then telling me he was dying of a brain tumor or something stupid like that) telling me that I must have gained a ton of weight because I was HUGE. Uhm. I would have thought he'd be dead by now, but ok. I ignored it and deleted it. In hindsight I don't even know why I opened it. Oh well. Yes, I know I've gained weight. That's what happens when you sit at a desk for most of the day and then eat unhealthy food at night. I'm working on it. My biggest vice is beer. It's horrible for any diet, but so hard to give up! :) Once it stops being so darn hot and sticky out I hope to start walking and biking again but I've gotten lazy since the weather has been so unbearable. In all fairness, this guy met me when I was at my lightest. My lightest since I was probably about 10, so I'm thinking it's not really fair to compare me now to me then. Ideally I'd like to get down to that again, even lower if possible. But I'm trying not to let it bother me too much. Adam always yells at me to shut up when I say I'm fat. It's just that so much of my pre-adult and adult life has been spent obsessing over my weight and the fact that no matter what weight and shape I am, someone will always call me fat. It's tiring. There are people who are skinnier than I am, but there are also people who are much fatter than I am. I figure if I can still shop in the regular ladies section (as opposed to the plus size section) I'm ok. And I've still got a few sizes to go through in the ladies section, SO FUCK OFF YOU DUMBSHIT.

Thank you very much.

In other news, uh, hmm, not much else to report really. I've been travelling around a bit for work lately. Was up in Denmark last week and in New London last week and yesterday. This month has flown by and somehow things just got out of hand and I needed to go up there and try and help stop the stampede, so to speak. It doesn't help that my plant manager has been on vacation for a week...and won't be back until next Monday. What a great time to take a vacation... *sigh* I've been spending more time sitting home alone since Adam has been working lots of nights over at Wal-Mart. I'm still not sure how I feel about that whole thing. I guess I'll get used to it. I got the new John Irving book and I'm about halfway through it. I'm noticing a lot more blantant sex kind of stuff in this book as compared to other books and I'm not sure it all of it is really necessary. Maybe my mindset has just changed so I don't appreciate it as much? I don't know. All in all it's a good book so far. I'll reserve my final judgement until I read the whole thing. We all know how much stuff can go on in 300 pages...

Speaking of sex...for some reason my sex drive seems to have gone MIA. I'm not sure if it's a "body fighting the birth control hormones" thing or if it's a mental thing. It's just weird. I'm not really liking it.

And on that lovely note, thus ends this entry. :D

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